Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Homemade Fries

Who doesn't like fries?
Everyone does!
Sometimes I just like to eat them and nothing else, no burger, no, sausages. Just fries ...
But you should know me. I don't buy fries. No, no ...
I make homemade fries. And If you eat them once you'll probably never buy any again. They even take about the same time to make.
I think one of the best things about those fries is, that you can just make them with salt or with any seasonings you like.
Hubby prefers those with paprika powder, but you could also use some mexican seasoning mix or whatever you have at home.
Eat them with ketchup, garlic-dip, mayonnaise or whatever you prefer.

Homemade Fries


750 g potatoes
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons paprika powder (or any seasoning)


Peel the potatoes and cut them in stripes as wide as a finger. Cook the potatoes for about 5-8 minutes. Put them out of the water and let them evaporate.
Preheat the oven to 220°C.
Put in a bowl the oil, paprika powder and the salt. Mix everything with the potatoes and put them on a parchment covered baking tray.
Bake the fries for about 35-45 minutes till they are crispy.
Finished and ready to eat.


750 g Kartoffeln
3 Esslöffel Olivenöl
3 Esslöffel Paprika Pulver (oder anderes Gewürz)


Schäle die Kartoffeln und schneide sie in fingerdicke Streifen. Koche sie für ungefähr 5-8 Minuten. Aus dem Wasser geben und gut abdampfen lassen.
Heize den Ofen auf 220°C vor.
Gib in eine Schüssel das Öl, Paprikapulver und Salz. Mixe alles mit den Kartoffeln und gib sie auf ein mit Backpapier belegtes Blech.
Backe die Pommes für ungefähr 35-45 Minuten, bis sie knusprig sind.
Fertig und bereit, um gegessen zu werden.

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